Tag - rc aerobatics

F3P Schedules for 2018 2019 seasons AP, AF, AA

Hi F3P enthusiasts. Please find attached Official F3P schedules AP-19, AF-19 and AA-19 with manoeuvre descriptions and Aresti. Preliminary AP-19 F3P schedule AP-19 maneuvre description F3P schedule AP-19 Aresti Final F3P schedule AF-19 maneuvre description F3P schedule AF-19 Aresti Advanced F3P schedule AA-19 maneuvre description F3P schedule AA-19 Aresti   Happy training!!!

MRIYA – New top quality/performance name in F3A world

FAI F3A sequences evolve and especially final sequence requires plane that would have excellent knife edge flight capabilities (for such maneuvers as KE loop, square loop corners and so on). Looking at this trend, looks like biplanes are the right choice. I was interested to make some serious test flights/investigation before selecting new plane for next outdoor season. So I talk with my fiend Vadim from and we decided, that best option for this would be to make few days visit to Ukraine. In middle of September I flew to Kiev to make serious test flights with brand new full composite F3A biplane called...

Jase Dussia, road to victory in Clover Creek invitational 2016

This short story/contest report about young man Jase Dussia and his road to victory. Let's hear new champion opinion about his new killer freestyle plane from 3D hobby shop/Extreme Flight RC and few words about prestigious Clover Creek invitational freestyle contest.

Lithuania F3A/F6A 2016 championship

Every July Lithuania aeromodelling federation invite RC aerobatic enthusiasts to Lithuania open championship in classic pattern and artistic aerobatic. This year competition was held in Klaipėda, city located next to Baltic sea. Location and time were selected close to famous week long „Sea fest“ in Klaipėda. It was great to see competitors from five countries (Estonia, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and naturally Lithuania).

2011 XFC, USA

Futaba 2011 XFC (Extreme flight championship), was my last event during my 2011 summer visit to the USA. This event has a long history and was started in 2002 by Mr. Frank Noll and supported by Futaba RC equipment suppliers. XFC is unique for several reasons; firstly this event combines RC helicopters and airplanes, two very different classes of RC models. Secondly it is the only freestyle competition in the world that includes some mandatory pattern manoeuvres. Both airplane and helicopter pilots have to create two four minute routines, one is called known and second one unknown. IITOP regroups the best F3P pilots in Europe. This...

Extreme Flight RC 2M Vanquish

Durring my 2010 summer stay in USA i had chance to fly with Extreme Flight RC Vanquish prototype. This is hi level F3A plane for very afordable price. Durring first flight in Atlanta i was surprised how awesome this plane is. I hit almost all snaps perfect in very first flight. So i knew i have to have this plane in my hangar and use it durring new F3A season.

2010 Propeller 3D show, RUSSIA

In autumn of 2010 myself and my good friends Ricardas, Evaldas and Ignas were invited to fly in big 3D show near Moscow in Foresta Torpicana hotel. TV reports about fire around Moscow and smoke all over the place, were not very nice, but we decide to go, and i can say this was right decission. Weather for show was perfect and no sigh of smoke ore fire next to Foresta Tropicana hotel airfield. IITOP regroups the best F3P pilots in Europe. This competition is official FAI (Fédération Aéronautique Internationale) competition and contest was organized by the French club “Les Clayes du Ciel”. The contest...

2010 Clover Creek invitational, USA

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