Blue “O” rings set for A . Lantsov coaxial systems. 4 pcs (Full set )


Set of 4 pcs:

2 main friction O rings.

2 main propeller holding rings. 

These Replacement O rings Are suitable for all Alexey Lantsov coaxial thrust systems.

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Blue “O” rings set is made from polyurethane, much more durable than regular black rubber rings we have used until now. Mr. Alexey spend allot of time improving his Coaxial units for F3P models. After many hours of testing we come to conclusion that Blue rings provide such benefits in comparison with older black rings:

  1. Better grip, so less spring tension is needed.
  2. More thrust.
  3. Less vibration. 
  4. Much longer serving time.
  5. Better looks ;)

Technical spec’s:

Friction ring weight 0,256 g

Propeller holding ring weight 0,042 g

Blue “O” rings set installation:

Friction rings are little bit smaller in diameter in comparison to aluminum coaxial system rings. This done on purpose, you need to screech each friction ring between your fingers. Once rings are in place for first time, propellers will fell bit strange and motor shaft will slip between coaxial system wheels. Do not worry this will improve very noticeably after just one “brake in” flight. 

Soon video of installation process will be posted on our YouTube channel.

You will notice that prop holding rings are also stronger than usual black rubber rings we have used in the past.  So be careful once mounting them on more fragile “foam” propellers. 


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