Extreme Flight RC 104 Extra 300

Extreme Flight RC 104 Extra 300

For several years my favorite plane was 78 inch Extra 300 from Extreme Flight. After flying new 104 Inch Extra for very first time, I think my opinion will change very soon;) Extreme Flight RC 104inch Extra 300 is everything freestyle pilot can dream of. Modern plane construction is reinforced and prepared for crazy (Desert Aircraft) DA-120 power.

This combination allow pilot to perform ANY maneuver you can imagine. Wise plane design and correct surface size, make this plane not only 3D beast and thumble machine, but also very capable IMAC airplane. Extreme Flight RC product’s stand out with very realistic scale look, wheel pants and landing gear fairings are very nice touch to this beautiful plane.

I was waiting for this plane for almost 3 years now, since very first prototype. I can tell you it was wort to wait. 104 Extra 300 is best flying 100cc class plane i ever flew.

Here is my setup:

  • Engine: DA-120 with stock DA mufflers.
  • Prop: Vess Stealth series 28B
  • Servos: Hitec 7950 TH All around. (two per each aileron, one for rudder and one for each elevator side) Hitec 7954sh on thr. All servos on 7.4V
  • Receiver: JR 12ch 1221X DSMX
  • Radio: JR 11X.
  • Power unit: PowerBox competition.
  • Ignition: Powerbox Spark Switch.
  • Servo Arms: Secraft ( AEROBERTICS).

Unfortunately 2012 season was very busy and i manage to finish plane late in autumn, and make just 8 flights. In any case from this short air time , I can assure you this is probably the best freestyle airplane available today.

Starting early spring 2013 I will start practice with this plane and prepare for XFC 2013. So far please take a look to some close pictures of equipment i use:

  • Flight


  • Showdown


  • Powerbox wire set

    Powerbox wire set
    Nice touch making connection of double wing servo very easy and clean looking.

  • Best engine require good cooling.

    Best engine require good cooling.
    I use strong 1,5 mm plywood to form baffling and send air around engine cylinders.

  • Desert Aircraft DA-120

    Desert Aircraft DA-120
    An obvious choice. Simply because there is no better engine for 100cc class airplane ? And seriously performance of this engine is bit scary ( in good way). Already during brake in it show great power. Engine weight is just 2,25 kg, this noticeably lighter than previous 100 cc DA engine.

  • RC Fuel System

    RC Fuel System

  • Great shoot from Higher Plane Productions. Ashley with 60, 91 and 104 inch Extra’s.

    Great shoot from Higher Plane Productions. Ashley with 60, 91 and 104 inch Extra’s.

  • Powerbox Competition unit used to synchronize servos and provide constant electricity to receiver and servos

    Powerbox Competition unit used to synchronize servos and provide constant electricity to receiver and servos
    This unit is so great and easy to use, all servo programmings are done with same switch (that is used to on and off power). PB competition unit allow me to set frame rate i want and together with 7.4v constant voltage to servos achieve outstanding servo performance. Hitec 7950 become very fast and strong. Just one servo is enought for big rudder.

  • VessSpiner

    Pictures provided by Mr. Fred Midget from Higher plane productions, I highly recommend to sign up for Flight Pass.

  • Insides

    Fuel tanks, Secraft servo arms and fuel dots are purchased from Aerobertic’s. Great shop in Belgium, that have everything from few volts to EF 104 inch Extra 300 is stock

This is my 2012 season summer project. Ultimate freestyle plane by Extreme Flight RC. I can brave tell you that 104inch Extra will dominate all 3D fly-in’s and competitions.

Im very excited about this release, and i will make very detailed review, and explanation how to select equipment and build plane right. Naturally i will be using Desert Aircraft 120cc engine, together with Powerbox electronic’s to ensure best performance! More details coming in next few weeks.

So far enjoy few online videos to get idea how agile/good this plane is:

Demo Flight in Atlanta Flyign giants Huckfest in 2010 summer.

Freestyle at Clover Creek invitational 2010.

RJ Gritter in Futaba XFC 2010 .

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